Psycho is the best of Hitchcock!

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When Psycho came out, it became a big hit. Now, many years later, it remains a big hit. In fact, it's probably the best horror film ever made. Not only does it have great suspense and acting, it has a wonderful story. For some reason, I found myself feeling nervous throughout the entire movie. I can't figure out why, because the first half of the movie isn't very suspenseful. Then, after I watched it a second time, I realized what had made it so intense. It was the music!

It wasn't all the music, of course, but I figure that the music had a major part. This movie has some of the best sounding horror music I have heard. It's right up there with Jaws and the eerie Candyman. The shower scene music has become a trademark, and has been spoofed in many movies since. The music, written by Bernard Herrman, seems like it should be in an action movie. It's loud, but for some reason, I loved the music. Maybe it's just because the entire orchestra plays the harmony together, while the violins separate for the melody (I play the cello so I love classical music).

What else makes the movie so good? The cinematography. I'm not sure, but I feel that this is one of the reasons that the shower scene was so popular. The multiple camera angles of the scene is terrific! We see every angle, from the shower head, to the shadow on the curtain. Of course, back when this was made, no one had ever seen anything like this, so it became very popular. Nowadays, you see these things on TV.

The performances are very good. Janet Leigh is wonderful as Marion Crane, who has become very famous. Crane steals $40,000 and heads out of town. She is nervous and the police suspect her of something, even when she was just taking a rest on the side of the road. She trades her car in and continues to drive. She accidentally comes to the Bates Motel, where she meets Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins), the owner of the motel. He befriends Marion and invites her for dinner. She accepts only to overhear a fight between him and his mother.

Then comes the infamous shower scene. I can't say enough about the scene, but you have to watch it to appreciate it. Meanwhile, Marion's sister (Vera Miles) and Sam (John Gavin) are trying to find her. They don't want her in trouble with the law, which she is already. A private investigator stumbles upon the Bates Motel and asks about Marion. After he suspects Norman of knowing something, he calls back home and then decides to sneak into the Bates house.

The rest of the movie will be a surprise, because it was to me. Unfortunately, I knew the ending of the movie because I watched an episode of "Night Court" that told the ending. I won't tell the ending because it will shock you. All these performances are wonderful, but none really outdo any other. They all are good, but I figure that Janet Leigh deserves a lot of recognition for providing one of the most entertaining murder victims in a long time. I know there have been a lot, but she was different from most of them.

Psycho is rated R. You have to realize that this was in 1960 when it was rated, so it's not as bad as the rating says. The violence is kept to a minimum, but back in the 60's, this was considered bloody, especially the shower scene. Nowadays, you can see that much blood, and a lot more, on TV's "ER" or for that matter, "Melrose's Place." But for what it is worth, this movie is better than a lot of the horror movies out today. Check out Dr. Giggles and see for yourself. Or better yet, check out the awful Dolls.

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